Slide Panel WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

A plugin help you to add slide panel via a link (the link can be in a text, image or any HTML), the panel can be updated via a exist post or page.


Update log (10 November), prior buyer can re-download it and overwrite to update

  1. Make it responsive.
  2. Stop the video when close the panel.


  • Slide Panel content from exist post or page, keep the content’s flexibility and help you to update the panel easily.
  • Panel background and color can be customized via color picker in the backend.
  • Optional display the panel by defult when page is loaded.
  • Optional panel position and width, live preview in the backend.
  • Toggle button support HTML, for example can be in a text or image.
  • Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
  • Multiple Slide Panel instance on same page.
  • Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
  • You can add/edit the Slide Panel without touching the code. Customize/update the image and text with WordPress backend.
  • FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.

Recommendation for you

Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin:




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