Simple Child Support Calculator for WordPress (Utilities)

Easy-to-use child support calculator based on the “Income Shares” model which is applicable on more than 30 states of The United States of America.

It considers the four important factors for calculation of the minimum child support fee which includes – Net Monthly Income, Number of Overnights Spent with the child, Cost of Daycare spends and Medical insurance


Calculation results are found to be 99.99% accurate.

A fully responsive plugin to create an easy-to-use calculator for the Child Support obligation which works on the most common “Income Shares” model.

  • Valid for the following 35 US states [Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming]
  • All calculations are based on Child Support Guidelines Worksheet documents obtained from
  • Easy-to-use shortcode [SCSC] for displaying the calculator and [SCSC_TABLE] to show the complete tabular list of income slabs and its effect on support percentage from one-to-six children
  • Simple Child Support Calculator (SCSC) meant especially for lawyers and for people from the law community
  • The calculations are based on 4 factors which decide the amount of child support which are as follows
    • Net Monthly Income after Tax Deduction
    • No. of nights spent with child/children
    • Amount of Daycare spends
    • Amount of Medical insurance spends
  • No need to manually update the plugin as our Automatic Update feature enables you to update the plugin automatically without having the need to manually download it and install.
  • Easy installation and styling using the options panel to make it look good with your webpage
  • If you believe the calculator is giving the wrong or inaccurate result, then please mail us at and do provide us the data and method used for the calculations that gave the different result.
  • Few points to consider

    • The calculations are based on the data provided in the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet at
    • The result arrived by using the Calculator is for the reference only and by no means can be used as a legal document.