New or Up to date Submit Notifications (Utilities)

Edit New or Updated Post Notifications is a useful WordPress plugin which lets you configure when email are sent.

For example, you can send notification emails:

  • To Subscribers when a new post is published
  • To Admin when a new post is pending review
  • To a Shop Manager when a new WooCommerce product is uploaded

You can use a rich text edit to send emails using the recipients name, the modified post’s title, its content, the author’s name, etc.

Notifications can be sent not only for Posts and Pages but also for custom post types like WooCommerce’s Products.

This makes it easy and quick to approve posts which are saved as “pending-review” or to keep in touch with your subscribers.

You can use multiple rules to configure multiple emails depending on post type, category/tag/taxonomy, post status and author roles.

Change Log

Version 1.4
Improvement - Php fix

Version 1.3
New Feature - Subscribe Widget

Version 1.0