The magic of Christmas on your wordpress website.
Surprise your visitors wonder of Christmas, Christmas Hanging and Bunting, Snow, Snowman, Christmas tree and of course Santa Claus.


  • Head Items

  1. Christmas Hanging and Bunting (10 Types)
  2. You can control display header on top of content or as background
  • Screen Items

  1. Snow Flake (10 Types)
  2. You can control display snow on top of content or as background
  • Footer Items

  1. Snow Man (10 Types)
  2. Christmas Tree (10 Types)
  3. Santa Clause
  4. Animation for Snow Mans, Christmas Trees
  5. You can control display footer items on top of content or as background


Attention! Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, not support CSS3 animation for SVG.

I’d be glad to help you, if you have any questions relating to this project, you can get in touch with me via my user page contact form. If you want to rate this item lower than 5 stars or you notice anything working not correctly, please contact me first and let me know. When I know it, I can fix it. On that way, you can get a better item.