FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress plugin with Voting System is an ultimate tool to easily create and organize your FAQs list or Knowledge Base. Monitor and measure each FAQ item performance based on website visitors feedback and accordingly adjust your knowledge base.

The list of features:

1/ Voting and rating monitoring system
2/ Drag and Drop interface to reorder FAQs, FAQ Categories
3/ Lightening fast AJAX Search
4/ FAQs Alphabetical filtering
5/ Sidebar Widget available
6/ Break FAQs into vertical / horizontal tabs
7/ Break FAQs into categories
8/ Display FAQs in random order.
9/ Show or hide all meta, category, date, author, voting
10/ Supports Videos and Images
11/ FAQs display shortcode
12/ Fully responsive layout
13/ Blazing fast
14/ SEO friendly
15/ Clean and light code
16/ Does not affect website performance and speed
17/ Unlimited FAQs and categories
18/ Totally customizable style and adjustable elements:
Choose font, Search icons color, Search placeholder color, Search text color, Search alphabet color, Search alphabet hover background, Search alphabet active background, Search alphabet active color, Main background, Item default state background, Item hover background, Item meta background, Item content background, Item voting background, Item font color, Item icons color, Item arrow color, Item active arrow color, Voting button background (yes), Voting button color (yes), Voting button background (no), Voting button color (no), Category header background, Category header color, Category active tab background, Category tab color.