Family tree Household Tree (Utilities)

Genealogy Family Tree is the first responsive Family Tree generator on the market ! With modern design and multiple options to customize.

Front-end :
-Zoom with mouse scroll and Pan with drag & drop
-Responsive : always dynamicaly calculate free space available around each person’s card and reposition them relative to each others. Allow a lot more readability on big trees.
-Full screen button
-Choose between different last names to be root of the tree
-All loadings via AJAX (without refreshing the page !)
-100% SVG
-Big profile card on “touch / mouse hover” with biography, jobs, big picture and more…
-Multiples partners allowed (remarriage)
-Change background color, or put an image as background
-Choose between multiples theme for card design
-Languages: English, Français…easily translatable via .po/.mo files…

Back-end :
-Allow / Disallow any of the precedent options
-Easily edit or delete any persons in the tree without refreshing the page (thanks to AJAX !)
-Upload and crop profile pictures on the fly !

And a lot more !

Feel free to contact us if you need further explanations, bug report, suggestions…: