Simplify the migration from WordPress to Shopify, Squarespace or any other platform by having a complete list of all WordPress URLS and titles in a CSV file. It also very useful during SEO analysis.

This plugin is developed and maintained by Kaspars Dambis who is a WordPress core contributor and professional WordPress consultant since 2007.


Export the URLs and titles of all:

  • Posts, pages and custom post types
  • Categories, tags and custom taxonomies
  • Attachments, images, videos including the resized versions of all images

The URL and title export tool
The URL and title export tool under “Tools ? Export” in WordPress dashboard.

Export URLs and titles in MS Excel
The exported URLs and titles in MS Excel.


  1. Select “Plugins ? Add New” from the menu in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select the “Upload” tab at the top of the page.
  3. Select the file for the upload and click “Upload”.
  4. Activate the plugin once it has been uploaded.
  5. Visit “Tools ? Export”, select “URLs and Titles” and click “Download Export File”.


  • Requires at least WordPress 3.2
  • Tested up to WordPress 4.5


  1. Configure the export
  2. Export opened in MS Excel.


Please use the dedicated support section on CodeCanyon.


1.0.0 (May 30, 2016)

  • First public release.
  • Added the export configuration options.

0.1.0 (April 21, 2016)

  • Initial release.