Everest Comment Rating is an Ultimate WordPress Plugin that adds functionality to like, dislike and react to the default WordPress comments. You can use the inbuilt react/like/dislike icons or upload your custom icons . Integrating comment rating plugin , your WordPress comment section becomes more engaging and interesting. You can make the comment rating feature accessible to either all or only logged in users . Moreover, the plugin features separate Like/Dislike count, custom CSS, different pre designed like/dislike/reaction templates, comment sorting based on ranking and so on. You can easily add this functionality to any the post categoriesas per your selection.

This fully responsive WordPress plugin offers many customization options – you can enable/disable each button (like/dislike/react) as per your need and you can also define the position of rating counter . It is an easy-to-use plugin with simple and user friendly interface.

<img src=”https://demo.accesspressthemes.com/wordpress-plugins/everest-comment-rating/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/everest-comment-rating-salespage.png” alt=”Everest Comment
Rating – Sales Page” />


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