Youtube & Vimeo Pagination Gallery (Social Networking)

Pagination Gallery With Lightbox is responsive and mobile friendly Grid / Wall gallery with lots of adjustable features. It can display videos from Youtube Playlist, Channel or Keyword search and Vimeo Album, Channel, Group or Keyword search. Grids can be customized and styled in many ways. Lightbox gallery can display the player with all video details including comments.

This plugin can be used in any post or page area using shortcodes or directly in PHP pages. All you need is to create new gallery, add Youtube Channel ID for example, and generate shortcode. Multiple galleries can be used in the same page.

Features and options:

  • Grid customization with breakpoints (columns, rows, spacing)
  • Responsive layouts
  • Multiple galleries in the same page
  • Shortcode generator
  • Supported content sources:
    • Youtube content:
      • Playlist
      • Channel
      • Video query (search videos by keyword)
    • Vimeo content:
      • Album
      • Group
      • Channel
      • Video query (search videos by keyword)
  • Playlist transition (scroll, alpha)
  • Playlist direction (vertical, horizontal)
  • Playlist navigation (bullets, numbers, arrows)
  • Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr, google plus)

keywords: channel wordpress, vimeo album, vimeo channel, youtube playlist, video grid, video gallery, grid wall, pagination, youtube channel, vimeo embed, youtube embed

Updates / Changelog

VERSION 1.0 [23.05.2018]

 - first release
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