WordPress plugin to run your giveaways, freebies, raffles.

1. Facebook Like
2. Tweet
3. Follow on Twitter
4. Subscribe to mailing list
a. MailChimp Integration
b. Campaign Monitor Integration
c. Aweber Integration
d. CSV option for none of the above. Stores emails to wp database and available for export to CSV file from admin side.
5. Answering a Poll
6. Commenting on Blog Post
7. Participate in Survey
8. Review on Product

Other features:
a. Export user entries and their results to CSV file.
b. Gift Image upload option.
c. Random Winner(s) choose.
d. Manual Winner choose.

It will generate shortcode after publishing Raffle, It won’t work on click of ‘View Post’ button. Just put shortcode in any Page/Post to run Raffle.

Future enhancement:
1. LinkedIn share
2. LinkedIn follow
3. Pin It button – Pinterest
4. Follow on Pinterest
5. Cross-Domain support for Raffle