WideChat – Realtime chat for BuddyPress (Social Networking)


WideChat plugin is a buddypress, WordPress user based live chat plugin. If this plugin installed to any user based wordpress blog, forum, community, directory, ecommerce or buddypress social network site then all the logged in users automatically can chat each other instantly. This plugin is also intended to make a easy way to chat like facebook for dating, matrimony, community social network site based on wordpress and buddypress framework. Working with Socket.io and high security. Full customizable, 8 colors to set. Not lagging or not waiting ajax response, just momently messages with socket. Just add friends and chat with them in realtime.


Live Demo

Please visit Demo Site or click the above live preview button to check the chat system before purchase. You will need to login to see the demo. Please use username: demo1, demo2, demo3, …, demo10 and password: demo to all users. After login you can see the chat button at the bottom right corner. Click to see the full list of friends for this user. You can use 4 different account and logging in from 4 different browser like chrome, firefox, opera, safari from the same computer to check the chat system or can use different computer as well.



  • Chat at a Realtime with your friends
  • Socket Technology
  • TweenMax animations
  • Full secured
  • New message browser Title bar Notification System
  • New message sound alert while on other tab or minimise state of browser
  • Skype smiles
  • When user was online indigator
  • Friend Search Option
  • Auto load users thumbnail image
  • Full width chat window in mobile device
  • 8 color skin
  • Complete responsive design
  • Looking like material design but not uses lib


Responsive for all devices












Search from friendlist
