Thank you for choosing TweetDis!

TweetDis 2.0 is a WordPress plugin, that will embed “Tweetable Quotes” into your article, which is a great motivation for your visitors to post your content to Twitter.

By using “Tweetable Quotes” you give your visitors some great copy to pull to their Twitter updates. People love sharing quotes and takeaways on Twitter, that’s why TweetDis works so well.

With TweetDis 2.0 you can create two types of Tweetable Quotes:

1) A BOX:

A BOX is used when you want your quote to be super prominent in your copy. It grabs attention even if a person is just skimming your article and just by clicking on it he can post it to Twitter

2) A HINT:

A HINT is used when you don’t want to separate the quote from your paragraph, but still want your readers to be able to tweet it. On mouse hover a floating call-to-action will pop, inviting readers to post this piece of text to Twitter.

How To Embed Tweetable Quotes With TweetDis

Variety of Designs of Tweetable Quotes

We have a variety of designs for your BOXes

…and HINTs:

And you can even customize any of them in your admin panel to make sure it fits the color scheme of your blog:

And lastly you can even customize how the resulting tweet will look like:
– attach your twitter username to each tweet;
– choose your favourite URL shortening service;
– pick the preposition.

Key Features:

  • Tweet BOXes that come with a variety of design templates to choose from;
  • Tweet HINTs that also come with a variety of design templates;
  • Customize any BOX or HINT to match your blog design and color scheme;
  • Define how the resulting tweets will look;
  • Use your favourite link shortening service ( supported)


  • May 30, 2014
  • – TweetDis 2.0.1 released at CodeCanyon