Tweet Spotlight – Tweetable WP Shortcode (Social Networking)

Tweet Highlight is a WordPress plugin. It allows you to make tweetable highlight text. It is:

  • Plug & Play – without needless settings at the start. Install plugin and make your site more social
  • Lightweight – if jQuery is loaded, Tweet Highlight don’t include it
  • Simple – one shortcode without properties
  • Customizable – you can set your own default tweets

Features and documentation

  • Highlight important text
  • Make highlight tweetable
  • Allow you to use formatting text in shortcode (except links)
  • If text inside shortcode is to long for tweet, plugin shorten it
  • Tweets template – you can customize tweets from your site
  • Default Twitter user – pasted in each tweet
  • Auto resize Twitter icon – depending on the font size
  • Shortcode in single posts and pages
  • Codecanyon update checker based on Envato API (beta)

Documentation is included in ZIP file with plugin but you can read it online.


  • WordPress 3.0+

Usage example

When you want make tweetable highlight text use shortcode like this:

[tweetable]Interesing text to tweet.[/tweetable]


v1.2.2 (4 December 2013)

* Changed: Plugin makes Tweetable "span" instead of "a" tags - more resists on unwated template's interactions

v1.2.1 (8 October 2013)

* Added: Deactivation of plugin remove plugin's data from database
* Changed: Encoding tweet to URL format is performed on the server side
* Changed: Allow to break line in tweet template
* Changed: Few changes of option page look
* Changed: New names of a few plugin's functions
* Fixed: Bug with quotes in templates
* Fixed: Wrong version of plugin in update checker notification

v1.2 (18 September 2013)

* Added: Settings page
* Added: Tweet templates in settings
* Added: Default Twitter user in settings
* Added: Codecanyon update checker (beta)
* Changed: Tweet shortening is performed on the server side

v1.1 (8 September 2013)

* Added: The possibility of formatting text in shortcode (except links)
* Fixed: problem with hashtags