Smart4y Share Media – Responsive WP Plugin (Social Networking)

A flexible and responsive sharing plugin, written in pure Javascript. Share media or part of page with other people. Advantages: fully responsive, sharing of the content in 15 most popular social networks, sharing of images, iframes (youtube, vimeo, etc), HTML5 videos or any HTML content. Demo on


General features

  • Optimized for Desktop and Mobile devices.
  • Responsive, no Javascript library dependencies, include Sass style source codes
  • Sharing of images, iframes (youtube, vimeo, etc), HTML5 videos or any HTML content.
  • Diffrent method of sharing.
  • Fully Customisable: Possibility to add showing filter effect, change button appearance and much more
  • Possibility to define minimum allowed media size that will be used by plugin.
  • Visibility of share button: Always or on hover.
  • Social Button Appearance: Asymmetric, circle, rounded and square.


Showing filter effects

  • Available effects: Blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, invert, none, opacity and sepia.
  • The effects are based on CSS3 filters (older browsers do not support CSS3 filters).

filter effects

Social networks

  • Share to media in 15 most popular social networks: Buffer, Delicious, Digg, Evernote, Facebook, Goolgle+, Linked In, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter and Vkontakte.
  • You can easily share specific image, iframe, HTML5 video and any HTML content or you can share full page with anchor to specific media – with auto scroll media to the visible area of the page.
  • The order can be changed by drag and drop.

social networks

Sharing any html content

You can share any html element by adding class s4ys-share. Conversely class s4ys-no-share prevent sharing.


It is possible to define image selector for specific page?

Yes. Every page has specific css class in body element. For example single post type page uses the class single-post.

  • img: All images in the page.
  • video: All HTML5 videos in the page, including videos generated over wp video shortcodes.
  • [src=youtube], [src=vimeo]: Youtube or Vimeo iframe videos.
  • .single-post img: All images in the single post page type.


Installation and Instruction manual can be found at the download package. If you can’t find what you need please do not hesitate to contact me at