SkewSlider & (Sliders)

Skewslider is an unique javascript plugin slider that lets you make beautiful skewed image sliders with no effort.

This pack includes both version 1.0 and 2.0

Skewslider 1.0 Demo page

Skewslider 2.0 Demo page


Highly customizable

20+ javascript options, 10 ready to use examples, almost infinite combinations using the live update method.

Responsive features

Supports diferent configuration options for diferent screen sizes, as many breakpoints as you want, just like css media querys.

Slide animations

Customizable animations and CSS Transitions.

Auto image scaling

Images are automatically scaled to always fit the area no matter the inclination or the slide’s dimensions.

HTML content and CSS transitions

Supports any HTML content and CSS custom transitions inside the slides. 2 active states, on animation start, on animation end.

Image pre-load

You decide how many images want to pre-load.

Powerful Api

Using the public methods, you can extend the slider functionality with just a few lines of code.