My Social Counter for WP (Social Networking)

My Social Counter is a wordpress plugin (Widget) for your blog where you show social accountants best known social networks, you can add 1 or more networks that your blog is communicating with people, and you can see the counter of followers, subscribers. etc according to social network show.


I am always ready to reward developers who are committed to making something of quality, especially when there are things to fix and there is readiness and humility in helping users to improve their work. Congratulations on your plugin, the next update will become more and more beautiful – PhenoMik

Nice plugin! GLWS – SeventhQueen

looks awesome ! GLWS – metrothemes

A plugin that allows you to display a statistics widget for your social networks so several counters.

List of Social Networking

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Youtube
  • FeedBurnner
  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • Flickr
  • Linkedin

Widget Options

Ways to show


Set Icons

Note:require cURL


2013, Oct, 20 - v1.4
-Add the thousands separator in a white space (only total)
-It corrected a css class 'clear'
-Changed variable totals show '%d' to '%s'
-*Correction in Javascript functions
-Manual updated
2013, Sep, 13 - v1.3
-Correction in improving the templates
-Correction of cache counters (1 hour)
-Correction of the styles and templates structure

-Added option column, ie select for submission lined counters
-Added option to show 'total counters' for people who want to show everyone who is connected in social networks
-Manual updated
2013, Sep, 07- v1.2
-Correction twitter accounts that sometimes came out '0'
2013, Aug, 13- v1.1
-Fixed twitter Counter
2013, Jul, 17- v1.0

Flag Counter