Easy to use and full featured WordPress plugin to quickly convert your site into a Meme portal, or to simply offer a funny tool for your users.
- Responsive
- Touch enabled UI
- Free drawing with custom stroke sizes
- Text Blocks with custom outline size
- 800+ Fonts available from Google Fonts
- Custom color for text and pencil
- Custom color for application buttons
- 3 Widgets available
- 3 shortcodes
- List available templates
- List generated memes (saved as custom post types)
- “Re-caption this” option
Main options:
Select text and stroke color, text outline thickness, text placeholder, pencil size.
800+ fonts available from the Google Fonts library.
Start typing a font name, the field will be autocompleted with suggestions.
Set your private API Key to get the suggestion list weekly updated.
Upload and organize your meme templates, load the first of the list or a random template, drag and drop to reorder, allow Guests to upload their images.
Generated memes
Optionally set a custom watermark, choose the post status, the final meme’s size, and its thumbnail size
Select a destination page hosting the meme generator to enable the Re-Caption option for templates gallery and generated memes
Set custom colors for the generator’s tools
Place anywhere the generator, list the templates and display the latest approved memes in your sidebar, footer, or anywhere your theme can place widgets.
MeMeMe comes with 3 shortcodes, all of them easily configurable clicking on the new smiley button available inside the editor for Posts and Pages.
- Display the Meme generator
- List Generated Memes
- List Meme Templates