Instagram Photograph & Video Gallery WordPress (Social Networking)

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How it works?

This plugin allows you to show the last photos of an Instagram user or tag and comes with several options to configure and wigets ready for your sidebar!
The plugin is responsive
It’s fully Responsive!

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Some of the features that come with this plugin:

  • Fully Responsive:Images come with size in percentage so it will adapt to any resolution!
  • User & Tag Gallery Widget: Widgets ready to show the last photos in your sidebar or footer
  • User & Tag Gallery Shortcode: Easy to use shortcodes with multiple configuration options
  • Lightbox Integrated: Responsive lightbox with gallery mode activated!
  • Cache control for better result: Cache the queries to Instagram to not slowing down your site, the value of cache can be set sepparetly in each shortcode/widget
  • Easy to configure: Try it yourself!


- IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading from a previous version be sure to re-authorize your app!
- Better Instagram information saving
- Fixed bug for ajax display in servers with mod_secure enabled
- Better cURL checking and error reporting
- Fixed issue with 1 col gallery
- Fixed issue with the "View more" button with the default permalinks structure
- Video support
- HTML5 videoplayer
- New feed shortcode / widget
- New liked shorcode / widget
- New parameters for more customization
- Fixed little bugs
- Fixed issue in the admin panel
- Better error debugging on authorize Instagram app
- Server requirements in the documentation
- New parameter in the shortcode to change the text in the "View more" 
- Fixed issue with navigation in multiple galleries in the same page/post
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