Final Youtube Shortcodes (Social Networking)


The WordPress Ultimate Youtube Shortcodes Plugin is a wordpress plugin that helps wordpress site users integrate youtube videos into their wordpress websites.
Some of the functionalities include

  • Displaying a youtube video to a page or post via shortcode
  • Playing a random video from a playlist
  • Displaying a video gallery from a playlist
  • Displaying a video gallery from a channel
  • Pagination for the video galleries
  • Responsive Design
  • Prettyphoto modal popup integrations


Single video display – [yt_video video_id=”_czasv7ttbw” width = “600”]

  • video_id – The id of the video you would like to display
  • width – You can set the width of the video thumbnails. The height will be relative to the width using the default 16:9 ration

Random video from playlist – [yt_pl_random playlist_id=”PLcUqU6VQ2mu_bo9iiUMc1QYstrpvcJd-G ” width = “600”]

  • playlist_id – This is the id of the playlist you’d like to play a random video from
  • width – You can set the width of the video thumbnails. The height will be relative to the width using the default 16:9 ration

Channel Videos Gallery – [yt_gallery profile=”apple” header=”off” video_per_page=”20” width=”280”]

  • profile– This is the id or name of the channel you would like to show on the wordpress website.
  • header – This is an on or off setting that when set to ‘on’ displays the channel header which includes the logo, total channel video views, total subscribers and the channel description.
  • video_per_page – this sets the number of videos you would like be shown per page.
  • width – You can set the width of the video thumbnails. The height will be relative to the width using the default 16:9 ration.

Playlist Videos Gallery – [yt_playlist playlist_id=”PLCMKuX6VjTYrrF_qVw-6EvCom_339ae5X” width=”244”]

  • playlist_id – The id of the playlist you would like to display
  • width – You can set the width of the video thumbnails. The height will be relative to the width using the default 16:9 ration

Upcoming features/shortcodes in the next release

  • Creating gallery from selected videos
  • Playing random video from channel

Support and Documentation

Please drop us a line on with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

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