Craigslist Scraper – Search and Record Newest Posts with the aid of Class (Miscellaneous)

Short description

Name: Craigslist Scraper

Purpose: Search and list latest posts from craigslist by grouped categories or cities


Search criteria


The application contains these search fields.

  1. Country or Contents
    • By this field you can define country (USA, Canada) or content (Africa, Asia, Europe & etc.)
  2. States
    • If you define USA or Canada at first field state dropdown list will appear.
  3. City
    • At this field the cities will appear which belong state or country you choose before. You can choose multiple citites at once.
  4. Category
    • You can search by category or can list all categorise at once by choosing “All” option.
  5. Search text
    • You can define search text to search posts which contains this text



The application has two (API server and client interface) sides. With client interfaces (GUI) you define search fields and get results. At server side the posts filtered by search criteria an return JSON data to interfaces.


The modern technologies as AngularJS, Node JS and Material Design used to create user interface. The Main layout contains two divided block. First block (left side) keeps search form and second block (right side) show results.




System requirements is:

  1. Node JS with NPM
  2. Angular JS
  3. Material Design
  4. NPM Express
  5. NPM body-parser



  1. Install Node JS
    1. Download installer file depending on your OS
    2. Run installer file and follow wizard window
  2. Extract all files of zip package into you root directory
    1. For Windows OS: locate zip file any directory, right mouse click on this file and select “Extract to here”
    2. For Linux please follow this link
    3. For Mac user please follow this link
  3. Install NPM dependencies
    1. Open CMD or PowerShell for Windows OS or terminal for Mac and Linux OS
    2. Locate the folder where you extract zip package. You can use CD command for major OS
    3. Execute “npm install” command
  4. Start application
    1. Execute “npm start” command
    2. Open any browser (Chrome or Firefox recommended) and locate “localhost:8080” address.
  5. THAT’S ALL )))



 If you start this application remote server or PC you need to change  serviceBase  at line 4 of server.js file in publicjs folder.