ClickOn Icons – Chat, name and open social media profile pages (Social Networking)

ClickOn Icons Description

Detailed description

Basic features

  • 69 different icons.
  • Custom title and description.
  • Add icon groups through widgets on the customizer or widget admin area.
  • Add icon groups through shortcodes in all contents.
  • Infinite colors.
  • Click to chat, call or open a profile page.


  • Each icon can have a custom URL, ID or Phone number depending on the icon functionality.
  • Each icon can have a custom title for hover description and SEO.
  • Most icons can be opened in the same or new tab/window independently. The ones that open in an application have this option disabled.
  • WhatsApp icon opens a WhatsApp chat window if the app is available in mobile devices and computers. (Phone number required)
  • WeChat/Weixin icon opens a WeChat/Weixin chat window if the app is available in mobile devices. (ID required)
  • Skype icon opens a Skype chat window if the app is available in mobile devices, tablets and computers. (ID required)
  • Phone icon opens the default calling app on mobile devices, tablets and computers. (Phone number required)
  • E-Mail icon opens the default mail applications on mobile devices, tablets and computers. (e-mail required)

Icons included:

  1. 500px
  2. Amazon
  3. AngelList
  4. Bandcamp
  5. Behance
  6. Bitbucket
  7. Black Tie
  8. CodePen
  9. CodiePie
  10. Deviantart
  11. Dribbble
  12. E-Mail
  13. Eercast
  14. Etsy
  15. Facebook
  16. Flickr
  17. Forumbee
  18. Foursquare
  19. GitHub
  20. GitLab
  21. Google+
  22. Gratipay
  23. Houzz
  24. IMDb
  25. Instagram
  26. JSFiddle
  28. Leanpub
  29. LinkedIn
  30. Medium
  31. Meetup
  32. Mixcloud
  33. Odnoklassniki
  34. Phone
  35. Pinterest
  36. Product Hunt
  37. Quora
  38. Ravelry
  39. Reddit
  40. RenRen
  41. Scribd
  42. Skype
  43. Slideshare
  44. Snapchat
  45. SoundCloud
  46. Spotify
  47. StackExchange
  48. Stack Overflow
  49. Steam
  50. StubleUpon
  51. Telegram
  52. Tencent Weibo
  53. Theme Isle
  54. Trello
  55. Trip Advisor
  56. Tumblr
  57. Twitch
  58. Twitter
  59. Viadeo
  60. Vimeo
  61. VK
  62. WeChat / Weixin
  63. Weibo
  64. WhatsApp
  65. WordPress
  66. WP Explorer
  67. Xing
  68. Yelp
  69. YouTube


  • 6 different icon sizes.
  • 5 different icon shapes.
  • 4 predefined color schemes + custom colors.
  • Align icons, title and description to the left, center, and right. Perfect for vertical and horizontal sidebars.
  • All icons are from FontAwesome version 4.7.
  • All icons are loaded from a json file.
  • 7 different title sizes.
  • All icons can be sorted the way you want.


  • Translation ready through a .pot file.
  • Already translated in english (default) and spanish.
  • The appearance of each icon group can be customized separately using a custom CSS class.