ChatKo is a handy guide a rough and simple chat in your WordPress (Social Networking)

Quick and Easy chat for your wordpress site. All messages of a chat saved in RAM, not in HDD. Therefore the chat works very quickly, but doesn’t save history for reduce expenditure of memory. ChatKo is a live communication! If you want a bright and quick chat, ChatKo is your choice!

Also ChatKo is a qualitative and safe plug-in for your site which allows to communicate for the registered users and guests of the site. Add a ChatKo widget on sidebar of your wordpress site to allow visitors to communicate in a chat.

Major new features in ChatKo include:

  • Very easy install.
  • The chat doesn’t make entries on a hard disk. Uses only RAM (random access memory). Consumption of memory is minimized.
  • Animation + Audio without Flash.
  • Filter of bad names.
  • Filter of bad words.
  • Unregistered visitors have a mark “Guest”. There is opportunity to forbid a chat for unregistered users.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the chat to enable autoscroll. Autoscroll is enabled by default.


I can help you localize the chat for free. Feel free to contact me through my profile page

How to Use.

After installation of the plugin you need to add “ChatKo Widget” on pages of your site. It becomes very simply:

1) the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets.

2) Drag “Chatko Widget” to Main sidebar and drop there.

On a the widget will be visible how many users in online. Also there is a button for enter to a chat.