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What is Live Stock Price DLL?

We have developed a simplified library to get the live stock based on .net which can be consumed by both Web and Desktop applications. We used yahoo stock to get the live price and done all the extra work to get it in this single DLL. You just need to add a reference to this DLL in your application create a object and pass the stock symbol to get the Live Stock price including other information about the stock.


  • Just add reference to the StockRate.dll or just add StockRate.dll to the Bin folder. This DLL is Dependent on NewtonSoft, Which is also provided inside Bin folder of this sample application.
  • Then add using StockRate
  • Now Create a Object for the class LiveStock
  • Then call the function StockRate like

List<StockPrice> x = obj.StockRate(<StockSymbol>);


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