A.I. Spinner – Rewrites article with Artificial Intelligence (SEO)

Rewrites articles with Artificial Intelligence

A.I. Spinner is the tool that rewrites text with alternative sentences through machine learning.

An Example From Plugin :

Original Content :
We’ll be adding some new stuff to make it even more awesome, if you have any idea please let us know.

Generated Content by A.I. :
If you have any ideas, please let us know and we’ll add something new to make it even more enjoyable.

As you can see, it’s not only replace the words, it also move and remove some from sentence and generates totally unique content.

Try our service :

Demo : http://aispinner.org

Create unique content from scratch

Google and other search engines could understand an article’s content thanks to Machine learning. Usual spinner doesn’t work anymore in this case, because they basically replace words. This is not enough.

We focused to solve this problem and trained a neural network to generate totally new and unique content. We use Google’s NMT technique to generate alternative sentences.

Language processing is the key

We basically scan our database to find grammerly similar sentences and check that if they both have same grammer structure. If they have, we apply original content to generate new unique content.

We use Google’s Natural Language Processing API to match sentences. Please visit API docs for more information.

Powerful WordPress Plugin

Our plugin has automatic spin, exclude and include categories, spinning some spesific sections like only title or content features on it. It’s very powerful and it fits for almost all purposes on WordPress.

Also we always update our plugin with user’s feedback and keep it secure and stable. If you have feedback, don’t hesitate to contact with us.

Supported Languages : English

Visit our support page for more detail :

Support Page : http://aispinner.org/support