Product Field – PopUp your Merchandise & Information wordpress (Merchandising)

Product Box

Product Box is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to display a big PopUp (Mega Alert) on load/on click. You could use it to show your latest products on a e-commerce store, some very important news etc…


  • WordPress 3.8 Compatible
  • 2 Featured Images with swipe hover effect
  • Custom Post type
  • Completly Responsive
  • Pre built layouts, free layout
  • 3 Shortcodes included
  • Cookies functions included

Animations & Plugin Engine

Product Box includes 2 beautiful jQuery plugins and 1 CSS plugin.

  • Fancybox: used to PopUp
  • Flexslider: a powerful responsive jQuery slideshow
  • Animate.css: the core of most the animations in the plugin. Choose between more than 50 options

Rich Admin Panel

  • General Options

    • Enable on Small Screens
    • Do not display again at the same user for [X] minutes
    • Pause on Hover
    • Display Navigation Controls
    • Display Title
    • Enable only in front Page
    • Layout Type
  • Style

    • Box Opening Animation
    • Box Closing Animation
    • Slider Animation
    • Title Color
    • Content Color
  • Advanced Options

    • Include Flexslider
    • Include Fancybox
    • Force Cookies Elimination


Version 1.0

- Initial Release
Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Wanderz Blog by Crimson Themes.