Product Attachments / Information (Magento Extensions)

Cartin24 creates an extension for magento to upload product related attachments / files (Product manuals, guides, images or videos etc…) through admin panel and display the files in the product view page. The extension is responsive and will support in all common browsers and in different resolutions.

Features in Brief

  • Can upload product related files like additional image files, manuals, media files, audio files through admin panel and provides functionality for file downloads available within Product pages
  • Attachment can be associated with multiple products
  • We can assign multiple files to a product
  • In frontend (Product detail page) it shows file attachment icon, title and size of the file attachment to your Customers.
  • Admin can set the title & order of display for each attachment
  • Extension has no limits amount of attached files to product
  • The extension supports different formats
  • Device and browser compatible
  • Easy to install and manage
  • User-friendly interface
  • Attachment settings let you control the frontend display

How to install Product Attachments / Files

You can install this extension very easily through the following steps:

Upload the files to your store
Go to System > Cache Management > Click button Flush Magento Cache
Logout out and re-login
To Enable the “Product Attachments / Files” extension, go to System > Configuration > Product Attachment

Note: Make sure that you disable compilation before installing the extension. System > Tools > Compilation page and click on Disable button. After the installation, you can enable compilation back.

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