WordPress Publish Content material Template (Miscellaneous)

The WP Post Content Template is perfect for authors in WordPress. You can save an existing post as template or create a new one from scratch. So you do not need to open an old post, copy the content and paste this into a new one. Furthermore, you can define placeholders which will be replaced an choosing a template.

You create a Content template like a normal WordPress post. You can predefine every element of WordPress like:

  • Title
  • Text
  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Featured Image
  • Custom Taxonomies
  • Custom Fields
  • And the best of all: Create and use placeholders! Every placeholder will be replaced with the word you set on choosing the template

WP Post Content Template examples

Just a few examples how WP Post Content Template can help you:

  • If you have a football website, then you can set title, category and text with the predefined parameter. Instead of the teams, you use placeholders like “ TEAM_A ” and “ TEAM_B ”. Then choose your template and put in the correct name of TEAM_A ” and “ TEAM_B ” and your article is ready with title, category, text with the correct team names.
  • You have a food blog. Instead of creating everytime a table or start with empty custom fields, you can predefine all of the post contents like custom fields, category and so on

Compatible with other plugins

The WP Post Content Template Plugin is compatible with other plugins like:

  • ACF