ViraCorn – WP Content Locker (Miscellaneous)

ViraCorn – WP Content Locker


Instantly lock posts, pages or products on your WordPress website and build a massive traffic generating chain by requiring visitors to refer more visitors to unlock your valuable contents.


No matter how valuable your content is and how hard you try it’s hard to get shares by visitor these days. Social share plugins don’t work anymore. Because even your content is valuable they don’t see any reason to share it and instantly deletes the shared post after getting access to the content.

So ViraCorn gives you the ability to lock almost any content on your WordPress site and generates automatic referral link for your visitors without requiring the visitor to login or signup.

After you lock your content using ViraCorn Locker, now every unauthorized visitors will need to bring a defined amount of new unique visitors using their unique referral link to unlock your valuable content.

So by the time, your visitors delete the shared post after getting access to the content, you already get paid by their referred visitors.
ViraCorn handles the referral tracking system using a secure content locker and helps you to create a crazy traffic generating chain and build massive traffic growth for your website.


  • Easy InstallationIt takes only 5 minutes to install and setup ViraCorn – WP Content Locker on your website.

  • Authenticationless TrackingYour visitors gets automatically generated referral link without any authentication at all.

  • Bot & Crawler ProofViraCorn is bot & crawler proof. Fake visitors hit will be ignored by the ViraCorn tracking system.

  • SEO FriendlyViraCorn is compatible with most popular seo plugins like seo yoast, all in one seo etc.

  • Friendly Settings UIViraCorn ships with self-explanatory settings and meta box UI and helps you to up and running quickly.

  • Responsive & Customizable UIViraCorn works on any device and it’s very easy to customize the design using custom class name

  • Built In Social SharingViraCorn locker ships with social sharing button built in to make easier for user to share their referral link.

  • WPML SupportedYou can easily translate ViraCorn using WPML method

  • Built In Update NotificationViraCorn built in update notification system will instantly notify you whenever there is a new update or bug fix.

  • DocumentationViraCorn offers very simply easy to read online documentation and help you to up and running easily.

  • SupportWe are ready to give 24/7 support whenever you need any kind of help with ViraCorn.

