React JS is a framework created by Facebook’s engineers. It breaks UIs into reusable components that eases coding testing process, and empowers control capability of web developers.

You are web developers who are seeking for revolution in web development. You are business owners who have WordPress business websites, want to quicken loading-speed and fasten development time. You need to produce a single web-app from your current website. You are going to build your project site by React JS from scratch.

ReactPage empowers you to do all above purposes.

You can:

Convert your WordPress site into single web-app which has high-loading speed at once.

Upgrade your low loading WordPress site into high-speed one with ReactPage’s ready-to-use templates.

Scale- up server without additional fee.

Use ReactPage’s boilerplate to start building your React JS project without spending too much effort.

Freely choose needed components such as layout card view, list view, detail view… for your site through ReactPage’s supports.

Have control over your site’s content via existing WordPress’s backend.

ReactPage is solution for everyone who wants a high-speed website, single web app and control over web-development budget, time, content and SEO.