PublishBox – On-line Library Platform (Miscellaneous)

Make easy and fast you WordPress as website with user-generated content or create your own e-library.

You can upload all the most commonly used formats for documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and other publications.

!!! Because all browsers do not support the view of all file formats need conversion on the server. Each page of file need covert to jpeg file.

For this purpose it is necessary to have a virtual and dedicated servers, and of course free disk space.

To convert all uploaded files correctly you must have installed the following applications:

– PDF utilities (Poppler)
– ImageMagick

If these applications are installed, you can upload all these file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .wpd, .ppt, .pptx, .sxi, .xls, .xlsx, .sxc, .odp, .odt, .sxw, .txt, .ods


Themes not use any plugin, except OptionTree. With it you can easily change your site – logo, footer, links to social networks, allowed type of files, etc….


  • Responsive
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • User registration and login in front of webiste
  • Footer is in 4 columns, each column is as widgets
  • HTML/JS playes for slides
  • HTML/JS upload of files
  • Counter of views for each publication