PRO Theme – Skilled wordpress Admin Dashboard Theme (Miscellaneous)

Often when doing client work we get the need to provide our clients with a custom experience in the admin dashboard of the WordPress, a more professional look and feel. PRO Theme is an attempt to give a good option for those professionals.

Check the demo and the screenshots!


  1. Completely redesign of the admin interface.
  2. Drag and Drop admin menu Reorder (individual to each user)
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Login Page Styles
  5. Import / Export of Settings!
  6. Widths and Heights controls of admin menu and Parallax Block
  7. Custom CSS field (with support to SCSS syntax!)
  8. Awesome Multisite Support – Set styling options globally to all sites in the network!
  9. RTL support!
  10. Menu editor supports HIDING menu items!


Version 0.0.1
- First Release on CodeCanyon