Pinterestomatic Computerized Submit Generator and Pinterest Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

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Pinterestomatic Automatic Post Generator and Pinterest Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress

What Can You Do With This Plugin?

Pinterestomatic Automatic Post Generator and Pinterest Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) Pinterest To WordPress and WordPress To Pinterest post importer plugin that is ideal for auto blogging and automatical Pinterest post publishing. It uses the Pinterest API to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
What is interesting to know is that content from Pinterest groups and pages are not indexed by search engines. So, content generated in this way is automatically considered as unique in term of SEO.
It also can be used to automatically publish Pinterest posts every time you publish a new post to your blog.
Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

  • Any public Pinterest content – from search term, user, board or simply by pin ID

Other plugin features:

  • Automatic Pinterest Post generator every time you publish a new post to WordPress – this plugin will create a pin with the image from the post, to the board you decide.
  • Wide options support: skip repins, accept only public pins, filter by dominant image color, filter by minimum required repin, like or comment number
  • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
  • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
  • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
  • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
  • manually add post categories or tags to items
  • import comments for generated posts
  • generate post or page
  • shortcode for adding Pinterest media, user, board, and ‘Save’ and ‘Pin’ buttons to your web site
  • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
  • automatically generate a featured image for the post
  • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
  • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
  • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
  • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
  • detailed plugin activity logging
  • scheduled rule runs
  • Open Graph meta tags inclusion for the entire blog
  • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
  • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
  • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
  • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

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Plugin Requirements

PHP 5.4
PHP DOM -> how to install it (if you don’t have it, but probably you already have it):

Need support?

Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.



Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-03-10

First version released!

Are you already a customer?

If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

WordPress 4.7 Tested!

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Through this plugin you are able to grab content from Pinterest that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. Media uploaded to Pinterest belongs to the author that created the image or media. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of grabbed material.