WordPress Settle for to Register (Membership)

WordPress Accept to Register allows you to require your visitors to accept terms&conditions and/or privacy policy in order to Register. This will give you confidence visitor agrees with your website terms&conditions when he or she registers. Accepting Privacy Policy is required in many countries (including whole European Union) or by Google when using some of their products.

Main features

  • Require users to accept
  • Fully integrates in WordPress interface
  • Multisite compatible
  • All texts are editable
  • 3 ways of opening documents
  • Return to Registration button at the end of documents


Any request for support please submit using our support ticket system on this page. Please keep in mind I live in GMT+1 time zone. I will do my best to answer every request for suport in 24 hours (exluding weekends).
If you will notice anything working not correctly, please let me know, so I can fix it.


Version: 1.0 (29.11.2013)

  • Initial release