WordPress iEcards (Media)

WP iEcards is a WordPress plugin used to send ecards to your buddies. The plugin is very simple to use. Start your own eCards site! or create your own ecard store with payment gateway. Setup an ecard store for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day, Easter or Halloween and many more. Enjoy ecard!!

Add an ecards shortcode to any post or pages.


Here you will find the main features which are included in our iEcard Plugin.

  • Create multiple ecard store like category.
  • Five inbuilt ecard form style.
  • Five inbuilt ecard image listing style with masonary layout.
  • Better UI representation to the user.
  • WordPress media uploader for ecard images. Choose ecard images for media gallery.
  • Easy Drag & Drop features for ecard images.
  • Display image title and description. Tell something about image.
  • PayPal Payment integration while sending ecard.
  • Better email representation for ecard.
  • Admin notification when ecard was sent.
  • Track how many ecard was sent.
  • Track number of sent for ecard image also!!.
  • Track how many ecard was sent by site login user.
  • Choose different price for different different ecard store.
  • Choose which ecard image size you want to display.
  • Open ecard images in a popup for better visualization.
  • Manage ecard form fields label, placeholder and enable/disable it per ecard wise.
  • Google reCaptcha integration with ecard form.
  • Manage ecard success message and error message per ecard wise.
  • Better ecard log system for sent ecard for admin.
  • Restriction for site guest members, login member or members with particular roles.
  • Success page globally or per ecard store wise after ecard was sent.
  • Settings tab for plugin.
  • 100% multilanguage – iEcard is completely translatable both in front and back-end.


Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.


If you have any questions that are which are not listed in documentation, Feel free to get in touch with us on support@infornweb.com

Change Log:

= Version 1.0 =
* [+] Initial Release.