One Click on Movies for wordpress (Media)

Search and Publish Videos with just one Click on your WordPress Website

This is premium version of our Free Plugin that has already 2000+ users DailyMotion Search and Publish Videos

The Free version is only for DailyMotion but in this version of plugin, we’ve Youtube & Vimeo plus a lot of improvements and additional features.

One Click Videos is the ultimate WordPress solution for searching Videos from Youtube, Dailymotion and Vimeo and publish them on your website with just one click.

One Click Videos is NOT JUST ANOTHER VIDEO ROBOT OR AUTO BLOG Plugin, This Plugin is the Best way to create a Video Blog of your own choice videos, each handpicked.

It supports now VIMEO and Youtube in addition to Dailymotion. Millions of videos are now within reach of a click.

One plugin. Infinite possibilities !

You can use any search keyword and search either Recent or Relevant videos from Youtube, DailyMotion and Vimeo.

This plugin will automatically pull your categories upto 3 levels. You can then save Videos in these categories.

A video Post will add the following to your post.

  1. Video Title
  2. Video Description
  3. Video Duration
  4. Video Thumbnail automatically set as Featured image of your post.
  5. Video Embed HTML code automatically inserted in your Post content Or Custom Field

Once video is published, you will get a link to EDIT right on plugin dashboard.

You can search Videos by user ID and pull upto 100 results at a time with sorting based on Views, Popularity, Relevance, Date, etc.

You can also add your theme compatible settings in “User Settings” Page.

  1. Video Embed Custom Field
  2. Video Title Prefix
  3. Video Additional Description
  4. Post Format ( video / Standard )
  5. Post Status ( Publish / Draft )

You can also do the following Video Source Settings for DailyMotion, Youtube & Vimeo

  1. Dailymotion Synidcation Setting
  2. Youtube API Setting
  3. VIMEO API Setting
  4. Select Player Size
  5. AutoPlay Video
  6. Player Control Settings
  7. Family Filter
  8. Video Information

Try the DEMO here:
user: demo
Pass: demo