FWTube: Compelled to Watch an Embended Youtube Video (Media)


Easily hide partial or all of your premium content from your users until they finished watching an embended Youtube video.


  • Suitable for: landing page with free giveaway, learning site, site with freemium content, and much more…
  • Your premium content will be hidden until user  finished watching your Youtube Video
  • Hide partial or all of your content in any page or post
  • Hide anything you want from your post or page
  • Your content won’t show in Source View
  • Content will stay hidden if user deactivate javascript or cookie
  • Set your video to autoplay
  • Remove the Information bar or Control bar from the Youtube Player
  • Easy to use with simple shortcode
  • Easy to setup, less than 2 minutes to setup.
  • Costumizable message


WordPress 4.3 or newer (older versions may work but they have not been tested).


Locking A Content

  1. Create your post as usual.
  2. Wrap your locked content with FWTube shortcode.

    This is your public content
    [fwtube id="XXXX " width="560" height="315" autoplay="false" info="false" control="false"]
     This is your hidden content
    This is your public content.
  3. Notes:

    • XXXX is your Youtube Video ID
    • You can set the width and height to your needs (Default width: 560, height: 315).
    • You can set autoplay to true (Default autoplay: false).
    • You can set infobar to true to show top information bar (Default info: false).
    • You can set control to true to show bottom control bar (Default control: false).
  4. You can use image or other media inside the FWTube shortcode.

    If you want to show a video without locking any content, you can wrap nothing inside the FWTube shortcode and position it to your likes.
  5. Save your post.

Looking for something else?

I have created a few items in CodeCanyon that you may want to take a look:

If you have an idea for a website/plugin or you want something to be made, don’t hesitate to contact me.


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