Scenic 3D Photo Parallax WordPress Plugin (Interface Elements)

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Scenic – is a plugin for WordPress that automatically animates layers of still imagery during scrolling for creating an illusion of 3D.
It pans and zooms a photo to achieve a parallax effect.
As layers you can use any images, html and even shortcodes to construct custom text, buttons or other content.

You will get a video tutorial of creating layers of your image using Photoshop toolset.
Or you can just pick a ready 3D photo from our library with hundred of items that are available exclusively for users purchased our plugin.

Try before you buy

Visual Constructor

Scenic Constructor

Library of 3D photos

You also can use ready 3D photos in your site. There are already 100+ 3D images in our gallery and we regularly add new items.
Feel free to send us photos from public photostocks (via comments). And we will do our best to add them in the library in next releases.



  • All images are taken from Pexels and Pixabay.
    They are free for personal and commercial use.

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