Light-weight Responsive Carousel with Accordion (Sliders)

This lightweight responsive carousel with accordion is the first in its class! Created specifically without any external libraries, it is written with the latest standards of classic vanilla javascript. It does not use jQuery. It is not based on any other carousels already out there. Easy to use and implement with the possibilty to insert content manually or load it via JSON.

– Responsive, optimized for multiple screen sizes
– Content can be loaded via JSON/PHP (optional)
– Accordion displays more detailed description of carousel item
– CSS3 for smooth effects and transitions
– Multiple carousels on same page

If you’re looking for a simple, responsive carousel/image slider without jQuery: this image slider / image carousel is for you. It is perfect for creating image galleries, image sliders, news sliders and portfolio showcases. Clicking on a carousel item opens a slide-down accordion where you can display additional information and have a separate background image.

We would love to help you implement this carousel on your site and are always available for quick, reliable customer support. Though you’ll likely have no problem following the easy 5 minute installation instructions, know that we’re here to help if you need us!