JSC Fields – WordPress Meta Fields Made Straightforward (Interface Components)

Note, the demo login is:
url: http://numatic.me/themes/jscfields/wp-admin
username: demo
password: demo

Building out meta fields in the WordPress dashboard can be a tedious process. First you have to setup your fields in HTML, save them in WordPress using PHP, and then wire it up using Javascript (that is, if you want to do anything cool).

JSC Fields shouts “never again!”, and makes it easy to create beautiful user interfaces directly in WordPress! With one simple JSON file in your theme or plugin, you can quickly create image galleries, file uploads, repeating fields, rows, columns, and tabbed interfaces (and this doesn’t even mention all of the standard inputs you expect: text, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, range, etc.).

To get a better idea of how this all works, and what features are supported, read the documentation at http://numatic.me/themes/jscfields/ or try the demo link at http://numatic.me/themes/jscfields/wp-admin

If you have any questions, email us at support@davidwoolf.net.

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