Ultimate WordPress plugin to keep your visitors entertained

FunFacts with Preloader allows you to show fun facts on your website in any way you choose.By using this plugin you can show Fun Facts as a stylish Preloader while your website page is being loaded in order to avoid visitors to get bored during the Wait time.


1-Unlimited Fun Facts can be added
2-Unlimited Preloader Sets can be created
3-Can be used as website preloader only
4-Can be used as preloader+fun facts
5-Standalone preloader or used as sidebar widget
6-Fully responsive and powered by HTML5 and CSS3
7-Very easy to customize: set up in minutes
8-WPML Ready

Build professional preloaders in minutes

As Preloader

This Plugin can be used as Preloader in order to avoid visitors to get bored during the Wait time.

As Sidebar Widget

This plugin can be used a Side bar Widget to read the fun facts along with browsing the Website pages.

Unlimited Preloaders

Create unlimited preloaders with your own colors, images and style or mix everything in a preloader.

Bundle with flexibility

This plugin have lots of features to customized your preloaders and can be setup in a minutes.

Fun Facts included

Demo funfacts included with this plugin to enhance user experience to make it ready for use.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts supported to used in funfacts so you can use fonts according to your website.