Class and Product Woocommerce Tabs Professional (Interface Components)

Category and product WooCommerce tabs pro plugin used to create a woocommerce stylish tabs of categories and product view with ajax pagination functionality.

This plugin supports unlimited shortcodes and widget for the sidebar and pages content. It supports fully responsive list and grid layouts with various designs.


  • View the WooCommerce categories in the tabs view and loads products using ajax functionality.
  • There are three types of ajax based pagination available like load more posts, next previous posts and simple numeric pagination.
  • Custom settings available to hide or show product title, created date, animation over image, product image, pagination, product short content and read more link.
  • Custom settings to change the width and height of the image block.
  • Provides responsive grid an list layout with template customization.
  • 15 modern and clean templates.
  • Supports unlimited shortcode and widget for sidebar and pages content.
  • Custom settings available to set number of products limit.
  • Allows to select number of categories from admin panel to be displayed as tabs.
  • Text and background color selection for the widget heading, product price, category tabs and product title.
  • Supports option for “All” label tab to load all the category’s product.
  • Can enable/disable product count.
  • Show/Hide empty categories that has no product.
  • Short/order category name by ascending, descending or custom IDs list.
  • Ordering/shorting products by IDs, title, price or created date.
  • Exclude certain categories from the tabs that you do not want to display on fronted view.
  • Settings to open a default category tabs.
  • Enable/Disable RTL Support.
  • Enable/Disable ajax add to cart button with all the products.
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