short description generator magento2 extension live documentation

short description generator magento2 extension support

Short Description Generator

This extension allows admin to generates the short description based on your attributes.

Short Description Generator is best solution, if you have a large catalog and you don’t have time to spend on generating short description for every products individually.

This extension generates the short description based on your attributes. You can choose what attributes to show in frontend based on attributes who are set to show in product listing (Use In Product Listing).

Why use this extension?

If you have a large catalog and you have to add short description for every products, Than it will take too much time. Use Short Description Generator extension, Just click on Generate short description from Action dropdown. It will generate short description for all selected products from custom attributes.

How to use

1) Go to Stores > Attributes > Product.
2) Modify Attributes and select what attribute to show in short description by selecting Used In Product Listing.
3) Go to Product > Inventory > Catalog.
4) Modify Products Select your products and in upper left corner you have the Actions bar and select Generate short description.
This will rewrite short description for selected products.

Installation Process

Note: Please take backup of your Magento installation (files and database) before install/update any extension.

1) Download the extension’s .ZIP file.

2) Extract .ZIP file from magento root directory.

3) Open a terminal and Run command “bin/magento setup:upgrade” in magento root directory

4) Clear Cache

For more details please read our Documentation

Improvement suggestions

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this item please let us know! We will be happy to consider any suggestion and appreciate your efforts. We will go through all your feedback weekly and pick the most requested features to be included in a future update!



  • Initial release