iStart – Laravel Multi Admin+Frontend Theme and Startup Instruments (PHP Scripts)

iStart – Laravel Multi Admin+Frontend Theme and Startup Tools is a readymade system by which you can start new project with many readymade features which are needed in most project, like user login, different types of user role, messaging, permission, social auth, users etc. Their are so many advanced features in it which will make your project really extraordinary. Developer will like this project because its really easy to add new features in it and customize it. Normally it take time to prepare a system to start a new project but with our system you can just go to the core development just in a miniute without tensioning about admin panel and frontend. In this script there are built in Advanced admin panel, Frontend, Blog Post, Users, Role, Permission, Message, Noitce, Todo, Activity Log/History, Extension/Plugin Upload, you project can convert to translate any Language and many more. There are custom command for making modules, Just in one command you can create a complete new module with built in Crud plus view pages and everything in it. Awesomeness is here, Just buy and go on..

Login Option

Live Demo


username: admin

password: admin

Online Documentation


Click Here

Initial release version