Product Class Score (eCommerce)

The WordPress plugin offers shortcodes and widgets that allow to filter and display product categories with its average rating. The average rating of the product category is calculated based on each review rating received by the product.

  • Widget:

    Easy Drag and Drop widgets with Filters

  • Shortcode with shortcode generator:

    Easy to configure filters and display options with a shortcode generator

  • Supports star and point rating options
  • Supports custom posts:

    Widgets and shortcodes can be used within pages, posts, WooCommerce pages, and custom posts.

  • Translation Ready:

    – Includes .po and .mo files for English, French, Spanish, Italian and German languages.

    – Include.pot file for easy translation of other languages..

  • Supports WordPress Multisite
  • Support & Help:

    Detailed Documentation & 24×7 Email Support.

product category rating features