Customise Product Taxonomies For WPBakery Web page Builder (eCommerce)


– Have you ever felt uncomfortable with the product taxonomies page in your site? … If you are one of them, you have got solution with this plugin.

– With this plugin it help you can control or sortable all content element of product taxonomies …..With visual composer you will build your style product taxonomies page, just drag and drop without having to know the code.


+ Create multiple pages product taxonomies your style (with wpbakery page builder – visual composer).

+ Just drag and drop interface without code.

+ Customize the product taxonomies page for each custom template you have made.

+ And more…. Would you like to use it?

username: taxonomy

password: taxonomy

You can see that in more detail

Video demo: Here



04/24/2018: (version 1.0.0)

- Version 1.0 Initial Release 
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