SLIDER-28 PACKAGE is a collection of several image,video and text content slider to present your content in a batter way. There are total 28 sliders in the package. Each SLIDER-28 item is completely separate from one to another. You can find each SLIDER-28 item with different css file in the css folder. To make using of slider we add a manual with each and every slider item. you can find that manual in the example page of each slider. All 28 slider is created here only with css,html and jquery. All sliders are taken data from external xml file . I have made each effect in a very simple way and you can change most of the slider setting just by make minor change in css, variables in variable js file and by changing value in config xml file., just by copy and paste. In case of popups you can change some important setting from their config.xml. All sliders are xml driven. Is it not very easy? Actually if you see it keenly you can understand that everything is ready here just you have to copy and paste codes in your page. You have no need to know coding.
Demo is content with the same files like the original source so you can get a clear and original preview of each slider in demo page.
I have used some outside source in these slider package
Most of the font using here from google font.
Images I have take from a 100% free photo website
Using of any slider is very easy. Just have to copy and paste js folder,css folder ,image folder and xml folder to your directory and then open the example page. You can see a div in the page with some particular id copy that code and paste it in your page where you want to load the slider. You have done. Run the page you can see the slider in your page. You have no nee to write asingle line of code to implement a slider in your page.
A documentation include with the downloadable file. In this documentation you will get a complete description how to use and how to customize the slider.
SLIDER-28 (Pictures and Media)