Using “CMS – Pages & Static Block Import/Export” extension you can export and import bulk CMS Pages & Static Blocks from one server to another via CSV Files. This enables us to import bulk CMS pages / Static Blocks with a single csv file while changing the server


  • Import/Export CMS pages and static blocks
  • You can choose the import behaviour in import section (Either Append or Replace)

Extension Usage

  • You can find the options in magento admin
    CMS ->Pages/Static Blocks
    Export and Import buttons are there. You can run the export to get a csv of CMS Pages/Blocks already in your site and then you can upload this file in the upload section and it will import it back in.
  • Note the following fields in the CSV
  • In Static Block

  1. Title
  2. Identifier -Block Identifier
  3. Content
  4. Is_Active – Block Status (Enabled(1)/Disabled(0))
  5. Stores – These are the store Ids
  6. Date_Created
  7. Last_Updated

First 5 fields are mandatory.
In CMS Pages

  1. Title
  2. Identifier – URL key of the page (Unique field)
  3. Content – actual cms page content
  4. Is_Active – Block Status (Enabled(1)/Disabled(0))
  5. Stores – These are the store Ids
  6. Root_Template- type of layout can be one_column /two_columns etc
  7. content_heading – cms page content heading
  8. Meta_Keywords – cms page meta keywords
  9. Meta_Description – cms page meta description
  10. custom_root_template -type of layout can be one_column /two_columns etc
  11. layout_update_xml – magento XML for layout
  12. custom_layout_update_xml- magento XML for layout
  13. Date_Created
  14. Last_Updated
  15. custom_theme_from
  16. custom_theme_to

First 6 fields are mandatory.