Envato Referral Booster is a WordPress Plugin designed to help boost your referrals by including Envato Products on your WordPress site. You can decide which products are displayed and your referral link will be automatically added to the products. It also comes with a Keyword System that allows you to specify Keywords with URLs and they will then be automatically linked to when your Posts/Pages are displayed.


  • WordPress Version 3.5 or greater
  • PHP Version 3 or greater
  • PHP CURL library


  • Display any Envato Product on your site with your referral link automatically included!
  • You earn $ for each referred user that purchases an item on Envato. You can view the amount earned in your Earnings page. For more information on Envato’s Affiliate System, go to: http://codecanyon.net/make_money/affiliate_program.
  • Easily add your Username in the options page to make sure your Referral Link is included in every product you display.
  • Widget
    • Display Widget which allows you to show off Envato products.
    • Display newest items from a specific author.
    • Display weekly popular items from the Marketplaces.
    • Display newest items from categories in specific Marketplaces (e.g. all site templates from ThemeForest).
    • Display specific items by specifying their productids.
    • Display items based on Search keywords.
    • Limit the amount of items you display.
  • ShortCode
    • Simple shortcode allows you to display any product in any post/page anywhere.
  • Posts/Pages
    • Each post/page can have it’s own specific list of items added, includes all the options of the Widget.
    • Can display products above/below post or overwrite the Widget area.
    • Easily select the options from a meta-box added in the Admin Area when creating a new post/page.
  • Keywords
    • Specify Keywords and the URLs that should be used to link them.
    • Can add an unlimited amount.
    • Each keyword you specify will be looked for in post/pages and automatically turned into links based on the URLs you set. Automatically adds your Referral username.
    • Easily add new articles/content without having to worry about making sure you provide referral links.
    • Can easily disable Keywords via Options page.
    • When you disable the plugin, all keywords will be removed from your posts/pages.
  • Uses the Envato Marketplace API to grab data from products so it keeps them accurate and up-to-date.