Aparg SmartAd (Promotion)

Want to earn money by selling ads, you are in right place. Aparg SmartAd is a unique ad management WordPress plugin that offers you exclusive features. Minimum setup time and WordPress native UI/UX will provide you with great experience of using it. Aparg SmartAd is the only one of a kind plugin that has smart ad controlling which will let you reach target audience. Sit back, relax and be sure that the ad will be automatically suspended after paid period deadline is reached. Exported PDF stats with graphs will attract your clients. Great documentation and our quick support will solve your problems on fly. So don’t linger start using Aparg SmartAd.

Aparg SmartAd

Smart ad controlling

Create special audience for any ad or campaign by selecting desired categories, tags, pages or posts. Both include and exclude are available to match your audience even better.

Campaigns & ads

Create multiple campaigns and ads with automatically rotation. Also select deadline by clicks, views and date to automatically suspend ads.


Check and export stats with graphs for any ad, campaign or for all items. Also check any period of time for better analyze.

Easy customizable

Bunch of unique options for each campaign and ad type will let you fully customize plugin to match all your requirements.

Ease of use

Minimum setup time, native WordPress UI/UX, documentation and our quick support will provide you with great experience.

Check video quick start guide

All features

  • Multiple Campaign types (Background, Popup and embed)
  • Multiple ad types(Image, Video, Flash, Code and Iframe)
  • Auto ads rotation in campaigns (with drag&drop reordering)
  • Smart ad controlling by categories, tags, posts and pages
  • Ad auto suspend by date, views and clicks
  • Shortcode output
  • Responsive
  • Native WordPress UI/UX
  • Ultra customizable with unique options for each type
  • Advance statistics for any selected period (with PDF export)
  • AdBlock detection
  • Great documentation
  • Quick support
  • Translation ready (English, German, French, Russian and Armenian included)