Ad Flap Pro is an animated advert for WordPress sites. It is one of the most effective ways to get your message or advert out to people on your website, without being too intrusive. It animates in initially so that users notice it, and then waits to be clicked. The user can close it at any time to remove it from the screen.

It’s perfect for special offers, cookie notices, important news, new products etc.

It couldn’t be easier to set up a new advert – Just pick your style, enter your text, and check the built in previewer. Once you’re happy, choose the pages you want it to show or hide on and click publish. As simple as that!

It works on all modern browsers (including iPads and iPhones), and falls back to the non-animated box in older browsers.


-- 1.0 (coming soon)
- Cookied closures to stop users having to close every time
- Auto height. Flaps can now fit any amount of text.
- Added html description editor.
- Added headings for editor sections to make everything clearer.
-- 0.5
- Added position options for left / middle / right
- Added size options for small / medium / large /huge
- Added fix to top option
-- 0.4
- Added homepage and homepage only options
-- 0.3
- First release
-- 0.2
- Added style previewer
- Added status and date up/down columns to table
- Added Page picker metabox type
- Show/Hide on pages options added
-- 0.1
- First version fully working